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Becoming a Member of League of Women Voters (LWV)

The League of Women Voters (LWV) launched a national, unified membership structure
effective February 3, 2025. LWV members nationwide now belong to a common membership
platform. Each member uses an individual email address to join, renew membership, and pay
dues online. The email address becomes that member's unique user name to access the

Join/Renew Portal, and the Login Portal. After typing a unique email address into a portal, the
user receives a security code by email to enter and continue online. 


Persons who join LWV using the Join/Renew portal on this web site are automatically members
of the League of Women Voters, St. Cloud Area (LWVSCA) and will be notified about our local
events and activities. LWVSCA members are also affiliated with the League of Women Voters,
Minnesota (LWVMN)
and the League of Women Voters, United States (LWVUS). Members
receive information about current issues from their local, state and national levels of LWV, thus
benefiting from a full range of resources to support their civic engagement.

Individual membership dues cover all three levels of LWV participation. Dues are pay-what-
you-can with a recommended amount of $75.
Any amount over that is welcome—and any

amount lower but not less than $20. Renewal dates are one year after a member's previous
dues payment. Each member receives an email notification 60 days before an expiration date.


Getting Started
Any person age 16 or older may join the League of Women Voters. Guests and visitors are
invited to attend LWVSCA meetings and special events. Friends of the LWVSCA usually get
started with informal participation and seek membership when ready to increase involvement in
monthly meetings, social events, community outreach activities, and candidate forums. To
request more information, use the email icon on the Home Page.

The League of Women Voters affirms its commitment to reflecting the diversity of the
membership and strives to overcome barriers of gender, race, creed, age, sexual orientation,
national origin, or disability in the activities of the organization.

Empowering Voters

Defending Democracy

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