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What We Do

The League of Women Voters (League) is a nonpartisan political organization that supports informed and active participation in the democratic process. The League is a grassroots organization that relies on the actions of local members in partnership with their state League office and the national League of Women Voters.

What does being nonpartisan mean?
The League provides information about candidates for office but does not support or oppose particular political parties or individual candidates. The League seeks to influence public policy through education and advocacy at the local, state and national levels. Efforts to advocate for public policy are based on positions adopted by consensus after careful study.

Education and Advocacy

The St. Cloud Area League of Women Voters (LWVSCA) is a 501(c)(3) corporation, a nonprofit educational organization. Along with all members of League of Women voters nationwide, local League members recognize and uphold two distinct purposes: 

  • To provide balanced, unbiased information about elections, candidates for office, the voting process, and current issues.

  • To advocate for or against particular public policies based upon existing League positions relevant to a current issue.

In election years, LWVSCA organizes voter registration drives and conducts candidate forums for state and local offices. Whenever issues pertaining to governing or public policies arise, we seek to educate ourselves and the public about the facts, develop and evaluate options, and take action based on League positions. 

Monthly Meetings and Governance

LWVSCA meets on the second Wednesday of the month, except in June, July, August and December, generally in the Bremer Community Room at the St. Cloud Library. (Since the onset of the pandemic in 2020, we have held monthly meetings via Zoom and are now utilizing a hybrid model, when feasible.)  After a brief business update, attendees receive a prepared presentation on a selected current political or social issue. The presentation is convened by a League member and may consist of a panel of League presenters or invited speakers.

Local League governance is managed by a Board of Directors comprised of four Executive Officers and the Team Leaders of committees overseeing membership, community outreach, voter service, program/action, programming, and communication. Board positions are elected at the Annual Meeting of the Membership. 

Empowering Voters

Defending Democracy

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